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Q&A: How to Determine the Right Birth Control for You

September 4, 2024 by metro_admin

Birth control is a very personal decision that is based on several factors. Your lifestyle, health considerations, and partner can all be taken into consideration to determine the right birth control for you. Popular contraceptives include the pill, condom, and IUD, as well as the surgical methods of tubal ligation and vasectomy. At Infinity Medical Clinic, Dr. Larae Stemmerman specializes in women’s healthcare. She will consider your overall health and goals to provide guidance on different forms of birth control, including hormonal, implanted, barrier, and surgical methods.

Learn about the basics of birth control from the Mayo Clinic, and keep reading our blog to find out how you can determine the right contraceptive for you.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Am I good at taking medication?

If you are good at following instructions for prescriptions, you might consider the daily birth control pill. If not, the pill may not be right for you. However, the birth control patch and injections are other options that don’t require daily doses. Implants such as IUDs are longer-term and eventually need replacing, but once they are in place, they work for up to five years before they need to be removed.

Am I worried about side effects?

If you are worried about the side effects of birth control, be sure to ask your doctor about methods that are recommended, as some methods have more side effects than others. A few can reduce PMS symptoms and minimize your period. Condoms are simple and rarely have side effects. Do your research so you know the pros and cons of the contraceptive methods you are considering.

Do I want a long-term birth control method that I can easily stop in the future?

If you are not ready to have children, a long-term contraceptive implant may be a good choice. The IUD is one of the most effective long-term birth control methods, and it can be removed in the future. Injections are long-lasting but take time to wear off.

How can my partner assist with contraception?

Condoms, spermicide, and vasectomy are the only proactive methods in which men can be proactive in preventing pregnancy. Your partner can be thoughtful about always using condoms and spermicide. He can support your choices and consider vasectomy when your family planning is complete. Talk to your partner so you can feel confident and supported in your contraceptive choices.

Do I still want to have children?

If you do not want to have kids, permanent birth control, also known as sterilization, is the most effective method. Tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for men are very common solutions. Vasectomy is a simple procedure with a short recovery time. In many cases, it is also less costly than tubal ligation.

What birth control methods are covered by insurance?

If cost is a factor, check with your insurance provider which contraceptive methods are covered. Research contraceptive pricing where you shop and with your doctor.

Do I prefer methods I can purchase over the counter?

Some birth control methods can be found locally, which makes them convenient and affordable. Condoms, spermicides, and the newer Opill, which is also known as the mini pill, are basic contraceptives that can be found in pharmacies and other stores. The mini pill is FDA-approved, and it starts working right away. Over-the-counter contraceptives are usually kept in or near the pharmacy section of larger stores.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

    • How effective is it?
    • Is this method easy to use?
    • How does it work?
    • What are the side effects?
    • How will this affect my period?
    • Could this method help reduce my PMS symptoms?
    • Will I be able to stop this if I want to get pregnant?
    • Does this birth control method work with my other medications?


When you are ready to determine the right birth control method for your lifestyle, do your research and talk to Dr. Stemmerman at Infinity Medical Clinic about choices that fit your needs.

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